I don't even know where to start.
D & I are finally back on track. I can honestly say I think we are both happy again. We are moving forward with our relationship again, and not feeling the same uncertainty and confusion that we had been for a while now.
And...the really exciting news....I have a job interview! I've been looking for work for 2 years now. There's been nothing. But, we desperately need me to find something, because D's job just doesn't pay enough for me to stay at home, and the otr thing isn't happening right now.
So Friday morning, I posted a "seeking" ad on a local website, letting potential employers know that I was looking for work. Friday evening, I got a call. That same evening, I emailed my resume to him, and he emailed me an application and an overview of duties and such.
Saturday morning, I'd sent the application back, and last night, he emailed me a 21 page document listing, in detail, the job duties, along with step by step instructions on how to do them. Late last night, he emailed to set a time for the interview.
I am very, very hopeful about this. I have to think that he wouldn't be this quick on everything, or sending me information about the job that is this detailed, if it weren't very likely that I'd get the job. I could be wrong, but I'd rather think positively.
The boys are doing ok. I think J is about to need his med dose upped, as his brother did recently. They both have their appointment next Monday, so we'll discuss it with the doctor then.
D's birthday is tomorrow. Saturday, we're celebrating and he'll get his present. I think he'll really like it; it's something he's wanted for a while. I know the boys are going to enjoy it, too.
Well...I started working on this post this morning, and then I got distracted...well, not distracted, but I had to get some things done. So, I set this aside and got stuff done. During that time period, I've had yet another potential employer respond to my seeking ad. So, now I have two potential jobs in the works. I've gone from having no job prospects and no real hope of finding any to maybe having 2 to choose from. I definitely feel like life is beginning to look up for me.
I had begun to feel as though my depression might be returning. I was finding it very hard to get much of anything done, and it seemed like everything I tried to do ended up turning out all wrong. Now, D & I are doing better, things seem to be improving with the boys, and I should have a job very, very soon. D & I will quickly have the money saved up to move in together. I'm beginning to feel quite happy again.
Things are better. This is good.
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