Thursday, September 9, 2010


So, I started two different posts this week, intending to publish both, and then reaching a point where I stopped for one reason or another. We'll see if this one makes publication.

C has a doctor's appointment this afternoon. His meds are not working, at all. I may have to pay for the meds myself, since I don't think the insurance will cover it because I just filled the Rx for the old dosage a week or so ago. But it needs to be done, even if I do have to pay for it myself. His grades are suffering badly, as well as everything else in his life.

D & I are still doing better, although we did have a major setback yesterday. We've worked it out, and although I'm very hurt by what happened and will have to work to trust his word again, we will get past this. He did something really stupid and that he shouldn't have done, but at least he could admit he messed up. And it certainly wasn't the absolute worst thing he could have done.

He's made trainer at his current job. It doesn't really pay any extra, but he loves teaching others how to drive, so it's a good thing. He's still hoping to get on with this other company, but we'll see how it goes. He's still not thrilled with the place he's at now, but now that he's a trainer, he's a little happier.

J's teacher has seen me a couple of times now, and has told me that J is doing a great job: he listens really well, he pays attention and follows directions, and his grades are excellent.

I'm still trying to figure out how to make some money. The ChaCha thing is doing so-so, it doesn't look like the photography business is really going to take off, and there's just no jobs out there.

I'm sure there's other stuff I meant to talk about, but for brain won't cooperate. So I'm off.

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